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Topical Questions

  • Advice for when you are about to take your external examinations.

  • Make sure you know the examination instructions. Read then1. on the front cover and obey them. Answer all the questions in the examination as there is no choice given.

  •  Read each question carefully and pay particular attention to the command words. Highlight or underline the keywords in the question. Make sure you obey the command word, for example, if the question says 'state two examples' then don't explain them, but if it says 'explain...' then more than a simple statement is needed.

  •  Make sure you read a case study carefully and apply your answers in the context of the case study. This is especially important in questions where you are specifically asked to do so.

  •  Use all the information provided in the case study. Read the information carefully and underline key points.

  •  Do not repeat the same answer in different sections - you do not usually gain double credit.

  •  Use the number of marks available for a question as a guide to the number of points needed if you are not told how many to include.

  • Do not write a detailed answer to a question which is only worth 2 marks. However, if more marks are available then a detailed explanation will be needed. For questions using the command words for analysis and evaluation then fewer points will be required, but more in-depth discussion will be needed for the highest marks.

  •  Make sure you understand how to achieve the higher levels question where a level response mark schedule is used. These are usually the ones that are using the command words for analysis and evaluation and carry a relatively large number of marks, for example, 6, 8, 10, 12 marks. (Your teacher can explain this to you.) .

  • Be aware of the time available. Use your time wisely and don't spend a lot of time trying to answer questions you are not sure about. Answer the questions you are more confident in answering and go back to the other questions at the end of the examination. Also, if you have finished the examination before the end then re-read your answers and try to add to them. If you run out of space then fill any space underneath the question or answer on spare paper.

  •  Make sure the correct equipment is brought to the examination, such as pen, ruler, pencil, eraser and calculator.


  1. The purpose of business activity

  2. Types of business activity

  3. Forms of business organization

  4. Government and economic influences on business

  5. Other external influences on business 

  6. Business costs and revenue 

  7. Business accounting 

  8. Cash flow planning 

  9. Financing business activity

  10. Organisational structure 

  11. Managing a business 

  12. Communication in business

  13. Motivation at work 

  14. Recruitment, training and human resources 

  15. Employee and employer associations

  16. The Market and marketing

  17. Market research

  18. Presentation of information 

  19. The marketing mix: product and packaging

  20. The marketing mix: price

  21. The marketing mix: promotion

  22. The marketing mix: place

  23. Factors affecting production

  24. Factors affecting location

  25. Business in the international community

  26. Answers

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