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Chapter 5: Time

The Lessons in Chapter 5

Whole and Half Hours
Minutes and Half Hours
Time Order 
AM and PM
The Calendar



Interactive Clock to Practice Telling Time
Show children how to tell time with this interactive clock (analog or digital). You can limit the time to the half hour, quarter hour, or to 10, 5, and 1 minute. Generate a random time to let students practice
telling time.

Flashcard Clock
Read the analog clock and type in the time in digital format. Very clear clock and good fast response!

Teaching Time
Analog and digital clock games and worksheets. Also has an interactive “class clock” to demonstrate

Enter a time, and the clock will run until it reaches it, or the clock stops running, and you type in the time at which it stopped.

What Time Is It?
Look at the analog clock and pick the digital clock that shows the same time.

Resource site to learn about time: worksheets, games, quizzes, time zones.

That Quiz: Time
Online quizzes for all time-related topics: reading the clock, calculating the time that has passed, adding or subtracting time, converting time units, and changing time zones. The quizzes have many levels, can be timed or not, and include lots of options for customization. Easy to use and set up.

On Time
Set the clock’s hands to the given time. Four different levels.

Clock Shoot
A game where you need to click on the clock with the matching time (analog or digital). Three different levels: whole hours, half hour, or quarter hour.

AM and PM times
This page includes a brief explanation of AM and PM, as well as a practice activity and games.

Time Balloons
Help MathPup fetch the time balloon that matches the launch pad time.

AM or PM
Practice relating AM and PM to typical events during the day.

Calendar Song
This girl sings the months of the year (with gestures).

Calendar Quiz
Click on the correct date on the calendar to answer questions such as, “What is the first Monday of this month?”

Create Your Own Calendar
Choose a month and a year, then add your own text to each day and generate the calendar.

Months Game
Help Tom the Zebra get ready for bed by clicking and dragging the months into the correct order.

Days of the Week Game
Help Tom the Zebra get ready for bed by clicking and dragging the days of the week into the correct order.

It’s a Date
An online quiz about dates on a calendar.

Months of the Year
Drag the month names onto their matching month numbers.

Monkey Fun Game
Practice months of the year and ordinal numbers with this interactive game.

Memory Game
A memory game for the days of the week.




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