Chapter 2: Clock
The Lessons in Chapter 2
Review - Whole and Half Hours
The Minutes
The Minutes, Part 2
Past and Till in Five-Minute Intervals
How Many Hours Pass?
The Calendar: Weekdays and Months
The Calendar: Dates
Flashcard Clock
Read the analog and type in the time in digital form.
Plug in a time, and the clock runs until that time, or when the clock stops, you type in the time.
What Time Is It?
Look at the analog clock and pick the digital clock that shows the same time.
That Quiz: Time
Online quizzes for all time-related topics: reading the clock, time passed, adding/subtracting with time, conversion of time units, and time zones practice. The quizzes have many levels, can be timed or not, and include lots of options for customization. Easy to use and set up.
Time Matching Game
Match each analog clock with the corresponding digital time.
Under the Sea
Practice time and calendar topics. Finish all the topics to unlock a treasure!
On Time
Set the clock's hands at the given time. Four different levels.
Clock Shoot
A game where you need to click on the clock with the matching time (analog/digital). Three different levels: whole hours, half hours, or quarter hours.
Crazy Clock
A matching game for two players where you match the analog time given by the clock to a digital time given by cards, but as in a normal matching game, you need to click on a card to flip it and see the digital time.
Parking Time
Steer the car into the parking place that shows the correct time.
Matching Pairs Time
Match analog to analog, analog to digital, analog to words, or digital to words. Choose “5 minute intervals” for this game.
Telling the Time in Words
This page contains several activities to practice telling time, including word problems, worksheets, and a timetable.
Teaching Time
Analog/digital clock games and worksheets. Also an interactive “class clock” to demonstrate time.
Resource site to learn about time: worksheets, games, quizzes, time zones.
Elapsed Time Line
This interactive tool shows 2 clocks that have draggable fingers to set a “from” and “to” time, and a number line. You can demonstrate how to use a number line to calculate elapsed time.
Elapsed Time Worksheets
Generate printable worksheets for elapsed time. You can practice the elapsed time, finding the starting time, or finding the ending time. The time interval can be to the accuracy of 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or whole hours.
Days of the Week
This interactive activity has various levels which practice the order of the days of the week.
Months of the Year Practice the order of the months of the year, plus how many days each month has.
Calendar Clowns
Answer questions about the calendar by clicking on the correct date.