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The main areas of study in DarTutors Grade 4 are:

1. Students develop understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication and use efficient multiplication procedures to solve problems.
2. They develop an understanding of division to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends (long division), and they solve word problems involving division, including division with a remainder.
3. Students develop an understanding of fraction equivalence and some operations with fractions. They learn to add and subtract fractions with the same denominators, and to multiply a fraction by a whole number.
4. Students learn the concept of angle. They draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles.

Additional topics we study are place value, time, measuring, graphs, and decimals.





Chapter 1: Addition, Subtraction, Patterns and Graphs

Chapter 2: Large Numbers and Place Value

Chapter 3: Multi-Digit Multiplication

Chapter 4: Time and Measuring

Chapter 5: Division

Chapter 6: Geometry

Chapter 7: Fractions

Chapter 8: Decimals


Chapter 1: Addition, Subtraction, Patterns and Graphs


Lessons in this chapter:


  • Addition Review ...........

  • Adding in Columns ......

  • Subtraction Review .......

  • Subtract in Columns ......

  • Patterns and Mental Math ....

  • Patterns in Pascal’s Triangle ...

  • Bar Models in Addition and Subtraction ...

  • Order of Operations ....

  • Making Bar Graphs ....

  • Line Graphs ...

  • Rounding ......

  • Estimating ......

  • Money and Discounts .....

  • Calculate and Estimate Money Amounts ..





Add Like Mad
Click on single-digit numbers that add up to the given sum as quickly as you can, clearing the board.

Sum Tracks
The game board shows square and round tiles with numbers. Drag the square number tiles over the round tiles, so that the sum of the round tiles equals the number on the square tile.

A Maze'n Math
Move the red piece through the maze and use it to eliminate the other numbers, according to certain rules relating to addition and difference.

Minus Mission
Practice subtraction facts within your chosen range, such as 0-12 or 0-20 while destroying green slime.

Pop the Balloons
Pop the balloons in the order of their value. You need to use all four operations.

Math Mahjong
Match tiles with the same value. The game uses all four operations and has three levels.


Crack the Code
Find the missing numbers in the patterns, and unlock the safe.

Pascal's Triangle at Maths Is Fun
Learn fascinating facts and patterns in Pascal's triangle!

Coloring Multiples
Color various multiples (such as multiples of 6 or 10) in Pascal's Triangle, and see the patterns!


Thinking Blocks - Addition and Subtraction
Model and solve word problems.

Jugs Puzzle
Fill and pour the water out of the two jugs until you get the desired quantity. Drag the jugs to empty or fill them.A puzzle using logical thinking.

Algebra Puzzle
Figure out the values of the objects so that they add up to the target numbers.

Calculator Chaos
Most of the keys have fallen off the calculator. “Make” numbers using the keys that are left.




Order of Operations Quiz
A 10-question online quiz that includes two different operations and possibly parentheses in each question. You can also modify the quiz parameters yourself.

Order of Ops
Choose the expression to be solved in each step, and solve it. The program uses a visual representation of steps to show how the expression gets shorter at each step.

The Order of Operations Millionaire
Answer multiple-choice questions that have to do with the order of operations, and win a million.

Exploring Order of Operations (Object Interactive)
Click on the operation to be done first in the given expression. The program then solves that, and you click on the next operation to be performed, etc., until it is solved. The resource also includes a game.

Order of Operations Practice
A simple online quiz of 10 questions. Uses parentheses and the four operations.



Rounding Sharks Game
Round numbers to the nearest hundred by clicking the shark with the correct rounded number.

Brain Racer Rounding
Round numbers as fast as you can to beat two other walkers in the walking race. Choose to round either to the nearest ten, nearest hundred, or nearest thousand.

Ice Ice Maybe
Fast estimation game. Help penguins migrate across a perilous ocean patrolled by hungry killer whales. The game uses all operations; addition and subtraction are most appropriate for this level. Start the game from the circular button near the top.

Estimation Games
Find the answer fast! You also get points for being close. Choose “Add 100s” or “Add Tens” “Subtract Tens”, or “Subtract 100s” for 4th graders.



Change Maker
Determine how many of each denomination you need to make the exact change. Choose the “hard” level for 4th graders. Playable in US, Canadian, Mexican, UK, or Australian money.

Cash Out
Give correct change by clicking on the bills and coins. It has three levels of difficulty.


Bar Charts
Interactive questions about bar charts. First, choose a topic for the graph. Next, choose how the vertical axis is presented; for example, “20 intervals, 10 marked”. Lastly, choose the type of questions asked.

Graphs Quiz
A 10-question online quiz that involves a variety of types of questions on line graphs, bar graphs, and pictograms. You can also easily change the quiz parameters to your liking.

Line Graphs at Maths Is Fun
A simple tutorial on line graphs, followed by ten interactive practice questions.

An Interactive Bar Grapher
Graph data sets in bar graphs. The color, thickness and scale of the graph are adjustable. You can input your own data or use or alter pre-made data sets.

Graph Master
Create a graph from your own data (you can even make it up). The interactive activity creates the graph, and also makes up multiple-choice questions from your data for you to answer.



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