The main areas of study for second grade are:
1. Understanding of the base-ten system within 1000. This includes place value with three-digit numbers, skip-counting in fives, tens, and multiples of hundreds, tens, and ones (within 1000) (chapters 6 and 8);
2. Develop fluency with addition and subtraction, including solving word problems, regrouping in addition, and regrouping in subtraction (chapters 1, 3, 4, and 8);
3. Using standard units of measure (chapter 7);
4. Describing and analyzing shapes (chapter 5).
Additional topics we study are time, money, introduction to multiplication, and bar graphs and picture graphs.
Chapter 1: Some Old, Some New Review
Chapter 2: Clock
Chapter 3: Addition and Subtraction Facts Within 0-18
Chapter 4: Regrouping in Addition
Chapter 5: Geometry and Fractions
Chapter 6: Three-Digit Numbers
Chapter 7: Measuring
Chapter 8: Regrouping in Addition and Subtraction
Chapter 9: Money
Chapter 10: Exploring Multiplication
Chapter 1: Some Old, Some New Review
The Lessons in Chapter 1
Some Review ............................................
The 100-Chart and More Review ............
Fact Families ............................................
Ordinal Numbers ....................................
Even and Odd Numbers ........................
Doubling .................................................
One-Half .................................................
Adding with Whole Tens ........................
Subtracting Whole Tens .........................
Review Chapter 1 ....................................
Balloon Rise - Empire State Monument
Help the hot-air balloons rise to the top of the Empire State Building while counting by 5s.
Number Fact Families
Practice forming fact families when given three random numbers.
Fact Family Cards
These printable number cards can be used in a variety of games and activities to practice fact families.
Fact Family Game
Click on 3 numbers that make an addition or multiplication fact family.
Number Cracker
Obtain the secret code by guessing what number comes next in a series and outwit Prof. Soup.
Squigly is hiding in one of the apples. Click on the ordinal number that tells the order of Squigly's apple.
Fruit Shoot
Shoot a fruit with an even or odd number, whichever one your aim tells you.
Doorway Odd and Even - Five Activities
Choose from five different activities to practice the concept of odd and even.
Doubles Cards 1
Choose the double for each number.
Fruit Splat Addition - Skill Builders
Practice adding doubles and near doubles.
Doubling and Halving Practice Zone
Practice doubling and halving with a timed quiz.
Best Math Friends Word Problem Game
“Friend” different animals by validating or invalidating the answers to basic word problems.
Add Like Mad
Click on the squares to add the numbers so that they add up to the target number.