Chapter 3: Multi-Digit Multiplication
Multiplication games for the multiplication tables
Improve your multiplication skills with these fun games!
Interactive Pan Balance
Each of the four shapes is assigned a certain (unknown) weight. You need to figure out their weights by placing them on the two sides of the pan balance in different configurations.
Stable Scales Quiz
In each picture, the scales are balanced. Can you find the weight of the items on the scales?
Mental Multiplication of Multiples of 10 and 100
This activity allows you to rehearse the mental multiplication of multiples of 10 and 100, e.g. 30 × 400 etc. Play against the clock and see what level you can get up to before you run out of time!
Multiply by Multiples of 10 Bicycle Race
Answer the multiplication problems correctly to help the bicycle rider win the race.
Open Array Multiplication Tool
This interactive tool shows the partial products algorithm and an area model for multi-digit multiplication, allowing students to easily link the two. The model accommodates 2-digit × 2-digit problems and 1-digit × 1, 2, 3, or 4-digit problems.
Partial Products Finder App
An interactive app that illustrates multiplication (up to 30 x 30) with an area model.
Amoeba Multiplication Game (Choose Beginner or Medium Level)
Practice multiplication by splitting numbers. Choose Beginner or Medium Level for this chapter.
One-Digit by Two-Digits Multiplication Game
Students will multiply one-digit numbers by two-digit whole numbers, then get to try to shoot a basket.
Multiplication Jeopardy Game
You get to solve multi-digit multiplication questions of 1-digit by 1-digit, 1-digit by 2-digit, and 1-digit by 3-digit numbers in this game.
Canoe Penguins
Answer the multiplication problems quickly and correctly to help your penguins win the race!
Batter's Up Baseball
Answer the multiplication problems correctly to help the home team beat the visiting team. Choose “Double” or “Homerun” level.
Multi-Digit Multiplication Number Battle Card Game (page 18 of PDF file)
Arrange your cards to make the highest product possible.
Multiplication Quiz
Practice multiplying by one digit in this 10-question online quiz.
Math FROG MultipliACTION
Practice 2 by 2 digit multiplication online. Enter one digit in each box.
Math Computation Practice: Multiply Two digits by Two Digits
Practice two-digit multiplication in columns.
Order of Ops
Save seven members of a Royal Family from prison by using your order of operation skills. Choose the expression to be solved in each step, and solve it. The program uses a visual representation of a stairway to show how the expression gets shorter at each step.
Order of Operations Quiz
A 10-question online quiz that includes two different operations and possibly parentheses in each question. You can also modify the quiz parameters yourself.
Exploring Order of Operations (Object Interactive)
Click on the operation to be done first in the given expression. The program then solves that, and you click on the next operation to be performed, etc., until it is solved. The resource also includes a game.
Order of Operations Practice
A simple online quiz of 10 questions. Uses parentheses and the four operations.
Matching Rates
Match each rate to its unit rate. Get a 1,000 point bonus for each round in which you don't make mistakes!
Thinking Blocks
Thinking Blocks is an engaging, interactive math tool that helps students learn how to solve multi-step word problems. Scroll down to Multiplication and Division.
Multiplication Word Problem Quiz
This 10-question quiz focuses on using multiplication to solve word problems.
Mental Math Tricks for Multiplication
Includes some basic common-sense tricks, such as multiplying by 9 or multiplying by doubling and halving.